When technology meets art, world is a wonder

| China Daily



Visitors walk through teamLab's digital art space in Beijing's Chaoyang Joy City shopping center on Feb 1. [ZHU XINGXIN/CHINA DAILY]

Cutting-edge Japanese digital space wows crowds at Beijing shopping center

Big data, 5G, robots, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence ... our lives are becoming more automated and smarter by the day.

VR headsets allow people to experience alternate realities. Thanks to the speed of 5G, we can watch flowers bloom or observe endangered animals in the wild through high-definition livestreaming. And these days, passengers scan ID cards to enter stations and catch trains.

During Spring Festival, Tokyo art collective teamLab, one of the world's leading multiverse practitioners, opened a 10,000-square-meter digital art space in Beijing's Chaoyang Joy City shopping center. The exhibition drew throngs of visitors to experience its cutting-edge mix of entertainment, technology, design and science.

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