"SHE" stories for International Women's Day 2023

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China Three Gorges Corporation


Zhang Wei 

Zhang Wei, director of the Kunming branch of the automation department of the Three Gorges Cascade Dispatch & Communication Center of China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd. of the China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG), is a network security expert in the energy industry, and a recipient of the March 8 Red-banner award winner of the CTG.

She led the creation of the Wudongde-Baihetan Cascade Hydropower Dispatch Integration Platform, which incorporates scientific and technological breakthroughs into the Pillars of a Great Power in the new era. She led the compilation of 12 technical plans and 70 innovative functional requirements, and completed the commissioning of the 400,000 connection points of the Wudongde-Baihetan cascade power station. "Unilateral point table" technology, the first of its kind, has been successfully applied to power station communication, improving the data transmission capacity and reliability of 100,000 data scale between different power monitoring systems. The system provides a digital guarantee for dispatch decision-making and comprehensive benefits to cascade power stations, helping to generate an average of 300 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year (equivalent to reducing about 250 million tons of carbon dioxide), and fully tap into the huge potential of the world's largest clean energy corridor.

In the future, she will continue to lead the team to participate in the new energy business in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, and contribute wisdom and strength for the CTG to serve China in achieving the "dual carbon" goals and in the construction of a new power system.

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