Weekly News | Amazon invests in AIGC, WorldCoin APP launched

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May 5-11, 2023

→2023 WIC Expo looking for Exhibitors

→China to train 80,000 digital tech professionals annually

→White House announces its first AI regulatory plan

→EU mulls restricting non-EU companies providing cloud services within EU

→Alibaba Cloud unveils "financial-grade cloud-native system"

→Amazon confirms it is investing in generative AI

→Google unveils PaLM 2 AI large language model spanning over 100 languages

→'Father of ChatGPT' launches Worldcoin app, may become ID of AI era

Industry Trends

2023 WIC Expo looking for Exhibitors  

2023 is the 10th of the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit. The 2023 World Internet Conference Light of Internet Expo will showcase the world's excellent internet technologies, products, and application achievements, and  promote industrial exchanges and cooperation in the internet field. The expo is now looking for exhibitors.



China to train 80,000 digital tech professionals annually

China's digital economy has developed rapid and achieved remarkable achievements in recent years. The Chinese media Worker's Daily reported that China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will establish a certification system for digital technology engineers, and train about 80,000 people with digital technology skills annually.



White House announces its first AI regulatory plan

The White House has announced its first move to curb the risks of artificial intelligence as AI-based chatting robots have raised growing concerns over regulation. The US National Science Foundation will spend $140 million to promote research and development in AI, according to a White House official. The funds will be used to create research centers.

EU mulls restricting non-EU companies providing cloud services within EU

The European Union is drafting new regulations that would require non-EU cloud service providers to secure an EU cybersecurity label in order to handle sensitive data. It means, in order to operate and maintain cloud services within the EU after the draft is passed and implemented, that technology giants such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft would have to form a joint venture with an EU-based company and hold a minority stake. 

Enterprise News

Alibaba Cloud unveils 'financial-grade cloud-native system'

Alibaba Cloud announced the official release of the "financial-grade cloud-native system", which is a new 10-factor financial-grade cloud native system that has evolved from the original 12-factor cloud native system. Based on classic cloud-native technology, it is a complete technical system developed by Alibaba Cloud tailored to the needs of the financial industry.

Amazon confirms it is investing in generative AI

Amazon is building a team to work on artificial intelligence tools that will generate photos and videos for merchants to use in advertising campaigns on its platform, its spokesperson confirmed.



Google unveils PaLM 2 AI large language model spanning over 100 languages

Google unveiled its latest large language model, PaLM 2, at its annual I/O developer conference, ready to challenge competitors such as OpenAI's GPT-4. The model has been more heavily trained on multilingual text, and spans more than 100 languages. It also passes advanced language proficiency exams at the “mastery” level.

'Father of ChatGPT' launches Worldcoin app, may become ID of AI era

Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, launched a new product for his cryptocurrency project Worldcoin - the World App encrypted wallet. The app is the first consumer product from the Worldcoin project, and could be downloaded and used by anyone at anytime.