WIC to hold dialogue on digital civilization at birthplace of Confucius

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A press conference on the World Internet Conference (WIC) Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization was held in Beijing on June 16, during which the basic information, preparatory work and highlights of the event were introduced.

A press conference on the World Internet Conference (WIC) Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization is held in Beijing on June 16, 2023, during which the basic information, preparatory work and highlights of the event are introduced. [Photo/wicinternet.org]

It is of special significance for the WIC to choose Nishan, Shandong province, the birthplace of Confucius and the origin of Confucianism, as host city of the dialogue on digital civilization, Ren Xianliang, secretary-general of the WIC, said at the event.

He said the event aims to explore how AI will promote the development of human civilization, encourage all parties to better tap the value of history and culture in the digital age, and to strengthen international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation.

The dialogue is also expected to open up new paths for the development of AI technology and make joint efforts to promote the progress of human civilization, he said.

Bai Yugang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Shandong Provincial Committee, and Lin Hongyu, secretary of CPC Jining Municipal Committee, East China’s Shandong province, also attended the event. Liang Hao, executive deputy secretary-general of the WIC, presided over the press conference.

Noting that the Nishan Dialogue is the first of its kind held by the WIC in Shandong province, Bai said it is a great opportunity to promote the high-quality development of the region.

The Nishan Dialogue will serve as a bridge for more exchanges in the international community, and Jining, empowered by digital technology, will take this opportunity to spread traditional Chinese culture to the wider world, said Lin.

The Nishan Dialogue will be held from June 25 to 27 in Nishan, Qufu, Jining, East China’s Shandong province. With the theme of “The Age of AI: Building a Digital World of Exchanges, Mutual Learning and Inclusiveness”, the dialogue will focus on such topics as "Building a Secure and Trusted AI", "AI Empowering Industries", and "Where Human Civilizations Go in the AI Era", discussing how to lead the development of digital world in the future with the help of AI technology.

The Nishan Dialogue is hosted by the WIC, organized by the People's Government of Shandong Province, and co-organized by the Cyberspace Administration of Shandong Province and the Jining Municipal People's Government.

Hundreds of senior representatives from over 10 countries and regions will participate in the Nishan Dialogue both online and on site. They will explore the feasible paradigms of global AI governance and promote exchanges, mutual-learning and inclusiveness among different cultures. 

A series of highlight activities will also be held on the sidelines of the Nishan Dialogue, including a symposium for WIC member representatives, the launching ceremony of “AI For Good” program, as well as digital cultural exhibitions and light shows, showcasing the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese culture in the digital age.

The WIC stands ready to work with friends worldwide dedicated to internet development, to facilitate the sustainable development of the international community with the help of digital technology, and take the Nishan Dialogue as an opportunity to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, said Ren.