WIC welcomes first anniversary as an international organization

| wicinternet.org


July 12 marks the first anniversary of the establishment of the World Internet Conference (WIC) as an international organization. Let’s review some highlight moments of the organization over the past year.

The inaugural ceremony of the WIC was held in Beijing on July 12, 2022, marking its establishment as an international organization. President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the WIC, expressing his earnest encouragement for its future development.

The WIC, headquartered in Beijing, is dedicated to establishing a global internet platform for shared growth through discussion and collaboration. It strives to encourage the international community to adapt to intelligent, internet-based, digital development patterns, with a view to building a community with a shared future in cyberspace.


The inaugural ceremony of the WIC organization is held on July 12, 2022. Before the meeting, the WIC holds the first member meeting and the first meeting of the first council, where the constitution of the WIC is reviewed and approved and the first president, vice-president, secretary-general and council members are elected. [Photo/wicinternet.org]

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