WIC welcomes first anniversary as an international organization

| wicinternet.org


Multi-language storytelling

In the past year, the WIC launched its Chinese and English official websites, set up accounts on WeChat, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter, forming a publicity network of 15 different languages. It has taken full advantage of short videos, infographics, live streaming, and visits of international influencers to actively promote the concept and principles of the WIC as an international organization.

This year marks the 10th year of the WIC Wuzhen Summit. The WIC will continue to fulfill its mission and purposes, and work closely with its members to promote the building of a fairer, more inclusive, safer and vibrant cyberspace, where the internet will further benefit people from all nations.


The WIC multi-language international communication platform takes shape. [Photo/wicinternet.org]


Foreign internet influencers visit Nishan, East China’s Zhejiang province before the opening of the WIC Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization. [Photo/wicinternet.org]

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