Weekly News丨Call for the Competition of “Straight to Wuzhen”...

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Weekly News

Juny 7-13, 2023

→ 2023 “Straight to Wuzhen” Global Internet Competition opens online registration

→ Chinese government publishes interim regulation on management of generative AI services  

→ Robots hold press conference, saying they will not resist humans

→ China releases plan for manned lunar landing

→ AI able to decode genome of cerebral cancer

→ Musk announces establishment of AI company xAI

→ Apple to sell Vision Pro at the end of 2024

Industry Updates

2023 “Straight to Wuzhen” Global Internet Competition opens online registration

2023 marks the 10th year for the Wuzhen Summit, held by the World Internet Conference, and is also the 5th year for the Global Internet Competition of “Straight to Wuzhen”. Registration for the competition recently opened. 

Chinese government publishes interim regulation on management of generative AI services  

The Chinese government recently published an interim regulation on the management of generative artificial intelligence (AI) services, which will take effect on August 15, 2023. The regulation aims to promote the sound development and standard application of the generative AI, safeguard national security and public interest, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, corporate bodies and other organizations.

Robots hold press conference, saying they will not resist humans

The world’s first press conference convened by robots was held in Geneva, Switzerland, on July 7, during which robots said that they would not replace human in workplace nor resist humans. The conference is part of this year’s AI for Good Global Summit, which is jointly held by the International Telecommunication Union, 40 organizations of the United Nations, and the Swiss government.

China releases plan for manned lunar landing

According to Zhang Hailian, deputy chief designer of the China Manned Space Agency, China plans to realize manned moon landings to carry out scientific exploration by 2030. They will then explore the building of a research station on the moon, and conduct systematic and continuous moon probe and technological experiments.


[Photo/ the official website of the China National Space Administration]

AI able to quickly decode genome of cerebral cancer

A team from Harvard Medical School designed an AI medical tool which is able to quickly decode the DNA of a cerebral tumor so as to identify its molecule type during an operation. It takes several days or even weeks to get the key information with the current methods. 

Enterprise News

Musk announces establishment of AI company xAI

Elon Musk announced on social media that the team he leads has established the xAI company. The company will study AI’s deep-learning math, and explore AI’s theory of everything, so as to promote AI technology to a new level.

Apple to sell Vision Pro at the end of 2024

Apple plans to sell Vision Pro on the global market. It is revealed that the company’s management has started to hold discussions on choosing the UK and Canada as the first two countries outside the US to sell the product.

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