Weekly News丨WIC conducts research on cross-border e-commerce...

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Weekly News

July 14-20, 2023

→ World Internet Conference conducts research on cross-border e-commerce

→ 2023 China Internet Civilization Conference held in Xiamen

→ United Nations Security Council holds first meeting on AI

→ European Commission adopts new strategy on Web 4.0

→ OpenAI under investigation in US

→ Apple developing AI large language model

→ Tesla launches “Charge on Solar”

Industry Updates

World Internet Conference conducts research on cross-border e-commerce

The World Internet Conference (WIC) recently conducted on-site research in Hangzhou and Shanghai on the development of cross-border e-commerce, the implementation of relevant rules, and the promotion of trade facilitation. The research group was composed of experts and scholars from the WIC, Beijing Normal University, the APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance, the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology, and Zhejiang Gongshang University.


A group of experts and scholars hold a meeting to conduct research on the development of cross-border e-commerce. [Photo/wicinternet.org]

2023 China Internet Civilization Conference held in Xiamen

The 2023 China Internet Civilization Conference, themed on pooling the strength of civilization to forge ahead on a great journey, was held in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, on July 18. The "China Internet Civilization Development Report 2023" was released at the main forum of the conference.

United Nations Security Council holds first meeting on AI

On July 18, the United Nations Security Council held a high-level open meeting on the opportunities and risks for international peace and security brought about by artificial intelligence (AI). This was the first meeting of the Security Council on the issue of AI.

European Commission adopts new strategy on Web 4.0

The European Commission has adopted a new strategy on Web 4.0 and virtual worlds to steer the next technological transition.  As an integral part of the global market, Europe hopes to seize the next wave of Internet technology development and enhance its international influence and competitiveness through the implementation of this strategy. 

OpenAI under investigation in US

The Federal Trade Commission of the United States on July 14 announced a formal investigation into OpenAI, focusing on whether it's AI chatbot-ChatGPT has disseminated false information and harmed individuals. This is the first risk review of an AI chatbot conducted by regulatory authorities in the United States.

Enterprise News

Apple developing AI large language model

Apple has built its own framework for creating large language models and has also created a chatbot service, which some engineers refer to as "Apple GPT".

Tesla launches “Charge on Solar”

Tesla has officially launched its new "solar charging" feature in the United States and Canada, allowing its electric car owners to charge their vehicles with solar power alone.

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[Photo/ the official website of Tesla]