Developing Responsible Generative Artificial Intelligence Research Report and Consensus



The Research Report and Consensus on Building Responsible Generative Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as “report”) are drafted by the World Internet Conference Working Group on Artificial Intelligence as an important outcome of the World Internet Conference, which will be launched at the ceremony. The report analyzes the development trend of GenAI technology, the opportunities that GenAI brings to the economy, society, and scientific research, as well as the challenges in safety and ethics, comprehensively compiles the efforts of major countries, international organizations, regions, and industries around the world to encounter the development and governance of GenAI, summarizes 14 industries’ practices on such areas as finance, transportation and education on GenAI, and puts forward ten consensus for building responsible GenAI. In addition, the report is committed to promoting the synergy of GenAI development and governance for the common well-being of all humankind, based on the principle of wide consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits.

Developing Responsible Generative Artificial Intelligence Research Report and Consensus