Collection: Tencent AIMIS Medical Imaging Platform of Digital Intelligence




Equipped with an artificial intelligence analysis engine, Tencent AIMIS Medical Imaging Platform of Digital Intelligence focuses on cloud-based application, scientific research and management of digital medical images. Through the connectivity of image data and business processes, it provides medical institutions with a medical imaging solution that integrates industry, university, research and management, assisting industry-university-research collaborative innovation of medical AI.

Promoting the Innovation on the Whole Chain of Medical Imaging AI in China

As one of the most intensive fields of medical data, the combination of medical imaging and AI has a broad imagination. However, in the actual development process, medical imaging AI faces many bottlenecks such as dispersed data sources, time-consuming annotation, lack of applicable algorithms, and difficulty in industry-university-research-management cooperation.

Tencent AIMIS Medical Imaging Platform of Digital Intelligence, through digitalization and intelligent upgrading, is deeply engaged in the innovation on the whole chain of medical imaging in forms of industry-university-research-management cooperation, and realizes multi-scenario, large-scale application and sustainable development of medical imaging AI.

At the business application level, the platform activates digital imaging applications such as remote diagnosis, teleconsultation, remote consultation, remote demonstration and ward round, and assisted diagnosis through the "Medical Imaging Cloud + Medical Imaging AI" approach.

At the scientific research level, relying on the National New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Open Innovation Platform for Medical Imaging, the platform provides a one-stop solution for multimodal medical imaging and pathology data, from data desensitization, access and labeling to AI model design, training, deployment and application.

In addition, the platform has formed a set of holistic artificial intelligence demonstration and training system, and has a unified standard for image quality control, so that information security is guaranteed.

Incubating Three AI Clinical Devices and More than 20 Research AIs         

Relying on the Tencent AIMIS Medical Imaging Platform of Digital Intelligence, Tencent HealthCare has successfully built three clinical-grade AI-assisted diagnostic products for pneumonia, glaucoma, and colon, and has been approved for the registration of Class III medical devices.

The Pneumonia CT Imaging Assisted Diagnosis and Evaluation Software helped the imaging team at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University to perform CT lung diagnosis for more than 24,000 patients at Lei Shen Shan Hospital during the worst period of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

The Glaucoma Artificial Intelligence Software and the Colon Polyp Electronic Endoscopy Image Assisted Detection Software have been registered as innovative medical device products. The software utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to provide doctors with clinically-assisted triage recommendations, helping to improve the detection rate of large-scale disease screening. According to clinical trials, the glaucoma AI engine was able to reduce the rate of missed diagnosis by 20% and the misdiagnosis rate by 2%; and the colon AI engine was able to help doctors improve the detection rate of polyp by more than 20%.

In addition, the Tencent AIMIS Medical Imaging Platform of Digital Intelligence also integrates and opens up more than 20 types of research-level AI engines developed by Tencent's team, covering diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glioma, liver cancer, mammary gland molybdenum target, and lung nodules, for users to conduct AI research on medical imaging.

AI is Well-recognized for Fighting COVID-19

Full Activation of Medical AI Scientific Research and Application  

In terms of scientific research cooperation, Tencent AIMIS Medical Imaging Platform of Digital Intelligence has fully opened up more than 20 types of self-developed AI engines, providing medical AI scientific research services for 17 universities and research institutes, 23 public hospitals, and 33 technology enterprises. Assisted Guangzhou LBP Medicine Science & Technology Co., Ltd, the first listed company in the field of pathology diagnosis in China, to build an AI database for cervical liquid-based cytology and develop cervical cytopathology AI; cooperated with the world's leading medical device and solution provider Shenzhen Mindray Medical to develop the "Fully Automated Peripheral Blood Morphology Analyzer", filling a gap in the domestic market, and completed the installation in more than 400 hospitals around the world, including Italy and Spain.

At present, the Tencent AIMIS Medical Imaging Platform of Digital Intelligence has aggregated and formed a full-scene application of Medical Imaging AI, providing support for the popularization of medical AI applications and promoting the comprehensive upgrade of medical imaging services. On the doctor's side, an intelligent workbench has been created for doctors through tools such as medical image browsing, multilateral image collaboration, remote consultation, and mobile diagnosis; on the patient's side, long-lasting storage of image files has been realized, and family members' files are co-managed to connect online consultation and referral.

In addition, Tencent has also been committed to promoting the application of medical AI, such as landing the glaucoma AI in Yudu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, which has dramatically improved the efficiency and detection rate of fundus disease screening by providing health screening for rural residents.