Join the World Internet Conference membership to shape the digital future together



About Us

Since 2014, the World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit has been successfully held for several consecutive years. Every year, it brings together more than 1,000 representatives from government departments, international organizations and industry bodies worldwide, as well as executives from leading internet enterprises, top experts and scholars from around the world, in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province, to share experiences in global internet development and discuss global internet governance. 

The development of the digital age calls for the WIC to play a greater role in global internet development and governance. In recent years, the international community has also proposed to build the WIC into an international organization to better facilitate global internet development and governance. Against this background, the WIC Organization was formally established on July 12, 2022, with its headquarters in Beijing, China.

  • 10 years of Wuzhen Summit

  • WIC international organization established in 2022

  • Involving nearly 30 countries and regions

  • With nearly 140 members

Currently, nearly 140 institutions, organizations, enterprises, and individuals from around 30 countries and regions across six continents have joined the WIC membership. Among them are renowned global internet enterprises, industry bodies, and inductees of the Internet Hall of Fame.

Our Mission

The mission of the WIC is to build a global internet platform for extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, promote the international community to follow the trend of digitization, networking and intelligence in the information age, work together to address security challenges for common development, and build a community with a shared future in cyberspace.

Membership Categories

The WIC currently has six categories of members, namely Initial Members, Senior Members, Members, Individual Members, Cooperation Members, and Non-Profit Institution Members.

  • Initial Members

The six entities that initiated the establishment of the WIC organization are initial members.

  • Senior Members / Members

Outstanding organizations and institutions with significant influence in global internet-related fields can voluntarily apply to become senior members or members.

  • Individual Members

Individuals with a degree of influence in the global internet-related fields, including renowned experts and scholars, industry representatives, current or former leaders of important international organizations, and selected youth leaders in the WIC's Global Youth Leadership Program can voluntarily apply to become individual members.

  • Cooperation Members

Small and medium-sized enterprises (established for at least two years) with certain development potential in the global internet-related fields can voluntarily apply to become cooperation members (Targeting eligible enterprises in developing countries other than China).

  • Non-Profit Institution Members

Non-profit institutions (established for at least two years) with certain influence can voluntarily apply to become non-profit institution members.

Membership Benefits

  • To attend WIC events

    • Wuzhen Summit

    • Thematic events

    • Regular events

  • To participate in high-end exchanges and cooperation

    • Government-enterprise exchange activities

    • International exchanges and cooperation in the internet field

    • Co-hosting activities with the WIC

    • Engaging in specialized tasks of theWIC's special committees and working groups

  • To obtain outcome documents, training opportunities, and latest industry information

    • Discussions and training sessions organized by the WIC

    • The outcome documents of the WIC's key events

    • Important statistics and various research reports on industry development

    • Studies and research of the WIC

  • To share publicity and promotion channels

    • To be entitled to use the WIC membership title

    • To enjoy publicity access to media channels of the WIC

    • To enjoy customized promotion during the WIC events

Join Us

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Fill out the membership application form online

Contact Us

Mr Ma

Membership Affairs Department
