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Prizewinning AI story shows the future is here
Prizewinning AI story shows the future is here
All-powerful robots and artificial intelligence have long been the subjects of science fiction. Now such technology means that fact is stranger than fiction.
Shanghai goes big on smart factories
Shanghai goes big on smart factories
Shanghai is determined to consolidate its leading position in intelligent manufacturing by building 70 new intelligent factories this year, and 200 new intelligent factories and 20 benchmark factories by the end of 2025, official sources said on Thursday.
China-Africa cooperation propels Africa's digital economy development, says WTO deputy director-general
China-Africa cooperation propels Africa's digital economy development, says WTO deputy director-general
In recent years, amid a sluggish global economy, an increasing number of African nations have recognized the digital economy as a pivotal driver for their development, and China, with close connections with Africa, naturally emerges as a crucial partner in propelling the continent's digital economy and realizing its modernization aspirations, Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Zhang Xiangchen has said.
China's generative AI market to rise further
China's generative AI market to rise further
China's generative artificial intelligence market is poised to exceed 10 trillion yuan ($1.4 trillion) in terms of market scale this year, said CCID Consulting, a government think tank under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Thursday.
China's emerging industries become new magnet for foreign investment
China's emerging industries become new magnet for foreign investment
As China is promoting industrial innovation with technological innovation, more high-quality, high-end, and technologically innovative industries are becoming the new magnet for foreign investment.
Innovation-driven tech is key to growth
Innovation-driven tech is key to growth
A good lesson for the West, which has been focusing on making short-term gains through financial speculation, is that negligence could lead to a financial crisis and to impoverished populations.
Governance initiative for AI a visionary global move
Governance initiative for AI a visionary global move
The China-proposed Global AI Governance Initiative, announced in October in Beijing at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, marks a significant stride forward in shaping the future of artificial intelligence development and governance on a global scale.
Scientists develop new AI model for weather forecasting
Scientists develop new AI model for weather forecasting
Scientists have developed a new model for sub-seasonal forecasts using artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
China major force in responsible AI use, experts say
China major force in responsible AI use, experts say
The Global AI Governance Initiative shows China's willingness to partner with all parties to promote the responsible use of artificial intelligence and it will help build global consensus on AI governance, industry experts said.
Specialists offer peek at the future of AI
Specialists offer peek at the future of AI
At the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit on Thursday, top executives of China's biggest internet and technology companies called for accelerated efforts to develop AI infrastructure and an open AI ecosystem.
Cyberspace pledges set to narrow divide
Cyberspace pledges set to narrow divide
China's renewed commitment to take forward the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace will propel greater global cooperation and exchanges in the internet sector and help narrow the global digital divide, analysts and industry insiders said.
Industry experts call for AI governance, cooperation
Industry experts call for AI governance, cooperation
As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are developing rapidly in China and reshaping people's lives, issues such as AI security, controllability and equity have become the concern of the AI industry.

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