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Smart and low carbon in full gear at Shanghai auto show
Smart and low carbon in full gear at Shanghai auto show
The 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition, also known as Auto Shanghai 2023, kicked off at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) on Tuesday.
BYD unveils China's first smart vehicle control system
BYD unveils China's first smart vehicle control system
China's largest NEV maker BYD unveiled a smart vehicle control system on Monday, which Chairman Wang Chuanfu said is the first of its kind among local Chinese marques and outperform global rivals.
Coal mine industry digging digital, green transformation
Coal mine industry digging digital, green transformation
Thanks to the digitalization of the coal industry, miners no longer need to enter the deep mineshafts via walking or riding on a small, outdated train.
Heritage experts call for wider use of digital tech
Heritage experts call for wider use of digital tech
Digital technology should be more widely used to protect and raise public awareness of monuments and heritage sites, experts and scholars said at an event in Beijing on Tuesday to celebrate the International Day for Monuments and Sites.
China's 5G construction continues at rapid clip
China's 5G construction continues at rapid clip
China has built over 2.64 million 5G base stations as of the end of the first quarter of 2023, the country's top industry regulator said on Thursday.
Kenya seeks to enhance internet connectivity
Kenya seeks to enhance internet connectivity
Kenya's state-owned telecom institutions have signed an agreement on the deployment of last-mile fiber optic cable connectivity across 19 unserved and underserved counties across the country.
WIC submits proposals for Global Digital Compact to UN
WIC submits proposals for Global Digital Compact to UN
The WIC, along with 15 companies and institutions, submitted five proposals to the office of the UN tech envoy on digital connectivity, data protection, the governance of discrimination and misleading content, AI regulation and digital commons, under the framework of the GDC.
Video: Concern rises that AI can generate crimes
Video: Concern rises that AI can generate crimes
Critics argue that the rush to AI has been too fast, and have discussed how to prevent the technology from being used in crimes.
Video: Meta commences layoffs, pays $725m settlement
Video: Meta commences layoffs, pays $725m settlement
Facebook's parent company Meta has initiated a new wave of massive layoffs.
Influencers pool efforts to tell good China story
Influencers pool efforts to tell good China story
The China Storyteller Partnerships, which will give full play to the role of international influencers, was launched in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu province, on Friday.
Online platforms aid climate pledges drive
Online platforms aid climate pledges drive
Using a carbon ledger program called 88 Carbon Account, which was launched by the e-commerce giant Alibaba in August, the 22-year-old can win carbon credits to exchange for the drink by leading a greener lifestyle.
Young workers cast off big-city shackles
Young workers cast off big-city shackles
An increasing number of young people in large Chinese cities are choosing to become so-called digital nomads in the hope of striking a better work-life balance by operating remotely.

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