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Creators to usher in golden decade for AI: Robin Li
Creators to usher in golden decade for AI: Robin Li
As the threshold for technology applications continues to lower, creators are expected to usher in the golden decade of artificial intelligence, said Robin Li, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Chinese tech company Baidu.
Tech giants look to bolster industrial digitalization
Tech giants look to bolster industrial digitalization
Chinese internet and tech heavyweights are stepping up efforts to invest more in cloud computing and enterprise-oriented business, and leverage cutting-edge digital technologies to bolster industrial upgrade as part of their broader push to promote in-depth integration of the digital and real economies, experts said.
Growth a big reality for AR, VR domestic market
Growth a big reality for AR, VR domestic market
China's market for augmented reality and virtual reality will expand quicker than any other major country over the next few years, on the back of mounting enthusiasm from both enterprises and consumers to embrace the applications, experts said.
Symposium on World Leading Internet S&T Achievements held
Symposium on World Leading Internet S&T Achievements held
A symposium on the World Leading Internet Scientific and Technological Achievements, a major event of the World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit, was successfully held in Beijing on Jan 10.
Tech players spread wings on global stage
Tech players spread wings on global stage
Chinese enterprises, no matter whether they're the big names, unicorn startups or small firms, share a common goal at this year's CES — to go overseas seeking more growth opportunities after the pandemic.
China builds its first holographic digital power grid
China builds its first holographic digital power grid
​China has successfully developed its first holographic digital power grid in the eastern province of Jiangsu. It is expected to greatly improve the smart operations and inspections of the grid, according to the State Grid Corporation of China (State Grid).
Ancient texts find new audience online
Ancient texts find new audience online
More than 6,786 digitized books were released online by the National Center for Preservation and Conservation of Ancient Books and several partner institutions, bringing the total number of digitized ancient Chinese books available online to more than 130,000. These refer to books and written documents published before 1912.
China's big-data tech industry improves greatly: white paper
China's big-data tech industry improves greatly: white paper
A white paper on big data released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) showed that the overall level of China's big-data technology industry improved significantly, Thursday's edition of Science and Technology Daily reported.
AI to be more prolific in 2023
AI to be more prolific in 2023
Chinese tech giant Baidu said that artificial intelligence (AI) technology will be more widely integrated into the real world in 2023, Friday's edition of Science and Technology Daily reported.
Nation sets hot pace for science and tech innovation
Nation sets hot pace for science and tech innovation
Chinese cities, led by metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai, have shown their strengths in science and technology innovation in recent years, increasing their international influence and attracting additional talent.
Hi-tech devices become
Hi-tech devices become "smart" assistants for people's health
​With the popularization of cutting-edge technologies, smart health devices such as fitness mirrors, smart bracelets, and smart body-weight scales have become popular with the public, contributing to people's health.
Nation mulling future based on cutting-edge tech
Nation mulling future based on cutting-edge tech
China will step up efforts to map blueprints for future industries such as humanoid robots, the metaverse and quantum technology, as part of its broader push to cultivate emerging industries and build a modern industrial system, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said.

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