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Xiamen University: Application Guidelines for International Exchange Students

xmu.edu.cn| Updated: May 6, 2019

>>>  For more detailed information, please download: XMU Fact Sheet

I. Eligibility

1. Applicants must be current degree students from partner  institutions of Xiamen University;

Note:  Please check the List of XMU's global partner institutions.

2. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens that possess a valid  passport.

Note:  According to the regulations, foreigners of Chinese origin (including former Chinese citizens who have obtained foreign citizenship, and the foreign  offspring of present or former Chinese citizens) only after being officially  recognized by the Division of Exit and Entry Administration of Public Security  Bureau as foreign citizens can they make registration and apply for Residence  Permit in China. Please refer to the Instructions on Citizenship Certification  (http://admissions.xmu.edu.cn/cn/16975/list.htm)  for more information.

3. Applicants must be in good health. 

II. Application and Acceptance Procedures

1. Applicants that meet the eligibility criteria should submit an application to the exchange coordinator at their home institution.

2.  After being officially nominated by their home institution, applicants should  fill out the online application through XMU's portal (http://application.xmu.edu.cn; please choose the option of Exchange Program) and submit the paper-based application documents to the exchange coordinator at their home institution.

Note: Online application is mandatory. Paper-based applications without online signing-up will not be considered.

3. Exchange coordinator from the partner institution should send the nomination list to XMU's Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, and assist the nominees to complete the online application before the deadline.

4. Application documents should be mailed to XMU's Office of International Cooperation and Exchange by the exchange coordinator from the partner institution before the deadline.

5. Application documents will be reviewed by XMU's Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Admissions Office and the relevant college or school. Admission decisions will be made on the basis of the applicants' academic performance, language proficiency and their program preference.

6. Admission Notice, Visa Application Form (JW202) and other materials related to enrolment will be sent to the exchange office of partner institution by XMU's Admissions Office.

Note: In general, students are not allowed to change their major after acceptance. 

III. Application Documents

Applicants must provide true and correct information in all application documents:

1. Application Form for Exchange Students (automatically generated by the online application system; filled out in Chinese or English; digital version of the applicant's signature is required);

2. Enrolment Certificate (issued by the home institution; official stamp is required);

3. Current academic transcripts (issued by the home institution; official stamp is required);

4. Study Plan (at least 800 words; written in Chinese or English);

5. Recommendation Letter (written in Chinese or English, handwritten version of the referrer's signature, or official stamp of the home institution is required);

6. Language Proficiency Certificate;

(1) Not required for Chinese Language Program offered by the Overseas Education College.

(2) For Chinese-medium programs, applicants should submit HSK certificate. For programs in Humanities, Economics, Management, Law, Arts and Traditional Chinese Medicine, HSK band 5 with a score of 210 or above is required. For programs in Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, HSK band 4 with a score of 210 or above is required. Applicants who complete degree programs in Chinese are exempt from the HSK certificate requirement, but they should provide  the medium-of-instruction certificate issued by the home institution.

(3) For English-medium programs, the TOEFL-iBT or IELTS test report is required. Applicants should score at least 80 on TOEFL-iBT, or 6.0 on IELTS. Applicants who complete degree programs in English are exempt from the TOEFL-iBT or IELTS test report requirement, but they should provide the medium-of-instruction certificate issued by the home institution. Native English speakers are exempt from this requirement.

7. Front page of the passport (personal passport only; validity of the passport should at least cover the period of exchange).

Meanwhile, the paper-based application documents should be mailed to XMU's Office of International Cooperation and Exchange by the exchange coordinator from the partner institution before the deadline.

Mailing Address: Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, 8th Floor, Song En Building, Xiamen University, 422 South Siming Road, Siming District,  Xiamen, Fujian Province, P.R.China.

Postcode: 361005


1. Forms, documents or certificates in languages other than Chinese or English must be accompanied by notarized translation in Chinese or English.

2. No application materials will be returned, regardless of the final outcome.

3. Applicants will be held responsible for the authenticity of their documents. Incomplete or forged application materials will be rejected.

4. Applicants are expected to keep their phones on and check their email and online application account regularly as XMU's Admissions Office will contact them when necessary. 

IV. Application Deadlines

1. For spring entry:

(1)  Online Application: October 15th;

(2)  Submission of Paper documents: October 30th;

2. For fall entry:

(1)  Online Application: April 1st;

(2)  Submission of Paper documents: April 16th;

Note: Late applications will not be considered. 

V. Programs and Location of Campuses

Exchange students can sign up for the Chinese Language Program offered by the Overseas Education College or programs offered by other school/colleges in correspondence with their major, credit requirements and  language proficiency level. For detailed information on programs offered, please refer to the home page of XMU's Admissions Office (http://admissions.xmu.edu.cn).

The following schools and colleges of Xiamen University are based on Xiang'an Campus: the Overseas Education College, School of Life Sciences, School of Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Public Health, College of Oceanography and Earth Sciences, College of Environment and Ecology, Coastal  and Ocean Management Institute, College of Energy, and School of Aerospace Engineering. Other schools and colleges are based on Siming Campus.

English-medium Exchange Programs at Undergraduate Level:


English-medium Exchange Programs at Master's Level:


English-medium Exchange Programs at Doctoral Level:


VI. Study Expenses

Exchange students can sign up for the Chinese Language Program offered by the Overseas

1. Tuition fee: generally waived.

2. On-campus accommodation fee: subject to bilateral MoUs.

(1) Siming Campus: Around RMB 8-50 per day.

(2) Xiang'an Campus: Around RMB 2,000-4,000 per year.

3. Meals: Around RMB 1,000-2,000 per month.

4. Insurance: Exchange students should purchase medical insurance to  cover their period of exchange before landing.

Other expenses, including Internet access and physical examination, should be borne by exchange students themselves. 

VII. Contact Information

XMU's Office of International Cooperation and Exchange (in charge of the management of exchange programs)

Web: http://ice.xmu.edu.cn

1. Partner institutions from U.K.

Coordinator: Ms. LAI Siwei

Tel:  +86-(0)592-2189356     E-mail: lsw@xmu.edu.cn

2. Partner institutions from Americas and Africa

Coordinator: Ms. LIN Tengju

Tel:  +86-(0)592-2180195     E-mail: ltj@xmu.edu.cn

3. Partner institutions from Europe (except U.K.)

Coordinator: Ms. WU Xiaojing

Tel:  +86-(0)592-2186237     E-mail: wuxiaojing@xmu.edu.cn

4. Partner institutions from Asia and Oceania

Coordinator: Ms. ZUO Yunyi

Tel:  +86-(0)592-2188373     E-mail: yzuo@xmu.edu.cn 

XMU's Admissions Office (in charge of the enrolment of exchange  students)

Tel:  +86-(0)592-2184792     E-mail: admissions@xmu.edu.cn

Web: http://admissions.xmu.edu.cn

XMU's Overseas Student Affairs Office (in charge of the registration  and management of exchange students)

Tel:  +86-(0)592-2183606     E-mail: osao@xmu.edu.cn

Web:  http://xsc.xmu.edu.cn/2988/list.htm