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BISU professor attends China-Serbia Cultural Exchange Forum
Updated: May 17, 2024

Professor Li Jiashan, executive deputy-head of the National Institute of Cultural Development of Beijing International Studies University (BISU), and secretary-general of the National Research Center for International Cultural Exchanges (Cultural Trade), was recently invited to participate in the first China-Serbia Cultural Exchange Forum held in Belgrade, Serbia.  


Li attends the forum.

She delivered a speech on the topic of cultural trade, emphasizing its important role in connecting Belt and Road countries. She pointed out that China-Serbia cooperation in the cultural industry has promising development opportunities, stressing the necessity to make joint efforts to promote the development of bilateral cultural trade. 

During the forum, Li had a cordial conversation with Danijel Nikolié, chairman of the Belt and Road Institute Belgrade and assistant secretary-general of the government of Serbia, and Bojan Lalic, director of the institute, on conducting joint research and promoting bilateral cooperation in the cultural industry.    


Li (R) communicates with an expert.

In addition, Li visited the China Cultural Center and the Belt and Road Institute in Belgrade. She presented the representatives with the Chinese-Serbian version of a book on Peking Opera, which was compiled and translated by BISU and Jingju Theater Company of Beijing, showing expectations for greater cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between the two countries.


Li (R) presents books to representatives of the two institutes.

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