Tea gardens in Gansu brew up quality, incomes

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2022-03-16


The tea garden turns green in the spring in Wenxian county of Longnan, Northwest China's Gansu province. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The tea garden in Wenxian county of Longnan, Northwest China's Gansu province has ushered in a picturesque spring scenery with tea plants sprouting  all over.

"The picking period will be delayed by about 15 days due to lower temperatures compared with previous years," said Yang Xiaocui, head of a cooperative in the town. "But the tea leaves are expected to be better-quality stuff."

Yang said the growers used pollution-free microbial fertilizers  and invited specialists to share their technologies.

Fanba town in the county is a tea-friendly area. It has deep ditches, dense forests and clean water at an altitude of 700-1,200 meters, capable of producing organic tea  in foggy weather and humid climate.

Tea leaves here are tender, which will ensure the brew is mellow, fresh and aromatic.

The tea industry has played an important role in lifting local residents out of poverty. At present, the total area of the town's tea gardens has reached 800 hectares. 

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