Danxia landform radiates along the ancient Silk Road

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2022-05-06


The scenery at Qicai Danxia Scenic Area in Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park, Zhangye city, Northwest China's Gansu province. [Photo by Wang Chao]

Zhangye Danxia landform is like a world of wonders. It is a pearl along the ancient Silk Road in  Northwest China, which has witnessed transformation through several dynasties.

Qicai Danxia Scenic Area is located at the northern foot of the Qilian Mountains, and sits within both Linze county and Sunan county, in Zhangye, Gansu province. With a distribution area of about 510 square kilometers, the area is a provincial geopark and scenic spot.

There is a wide range of vibrant colors: red, yellow, orange, green, white, graphite, dark gray, and dark white. They add to the beauty of the mountains and ravines in the sunlight. 

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