Xifeng embraces bountiful cherry harvest

gogansu.com | Updated: 2024-05-08


Ripe cherries that resemble agates. [Photo provided to gogansu.com]

Nestled amid the picturesque landscape of Qilou village in Qingyang city's Wenquan town, the Qingyang Fengqingyuan Planting Farmers Professional Cooperative vibrates with activity as their greenhouse-grown cherries reach peak ripeness, attracting tourists.

A bustling symphony of activity unfolds as workers meticulously harvest and clean the cherries. The cooperative's 17 greenhouses, brimming with life, promise a bountiful harvest that will continue until mid-May with an anticipated yield surpassing 10 tons.

In recent years, Xifeng district has embraced its unique resource bounty, encouraging leading enterprises, cooperatives, and large-scale growers to consolidate landholdings and establish standardized cherry production bases. By introducing and promoting new varieties and technologies, constructing well-equipped greenhouses, and implementing innovative facilities such as heating, automatic temperature control, and integrated water and fertilizer irrigation, the district has effectively prevented frost and hail damage, induced early dormancy in cherry trees, and extended the sales period, maximizing the economic benefits of cherry cultivation.

Currently, Xifeng boasts 26 cherry production bases, encompassing a total planting area of 5,200 mu (346 acres), of which 280 mu (18.66 acres) are greenhouse-grown. There are 3,200 mu (2,132 acres) of cherry trees in fruit-bearing stage.

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