Gansu leads the charge in balancing energy needs with biodiversity preservation | Updated: 2024-05-23


A scene of harmonious coexistence between the power grid and the ecosystem in Gansu province. [Photo provided to]

May 22 marked the 24th International Day for Biological Diversity, and Gansu province is leading the charge in protecting this vital treasure. State Grid Gansu Electric Power is actively integrating biodiversity principles into its operations, fostering a harmonious coexistence between infrastructure and the natural world.

To promote the harmonious coexistence of the power grid and nature, in recent years, the company has deeply implemented public welfare projects such as the "Migratory Bird Lifeline," "Protect the Line, Love the Birds," and "Life Bird's Nest." These initiatives explore a win-win long-term mechanism for line protection and bird protection, providing safe, comfortable, and stable habitats for birds.

Since the launch of the "Protect the Line, Love the Birds" initiative, the company has installed over 140 artificial bird nests with an occupancy rate of 36 percent. Additionally, more than 260 new eco-friendly acoustic and light bird deterrents and over 20,000 bird spikes have been installed along transmission line towers where birds congregate.

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