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Zhangye blooms with success in flower seed business

Zhangye blooms with success in flower seed business


At the foot of Qilian Mountain in Gaotai county, Zhangye, Northwest China's Gansu province, a flower planting base spanning over 866 hectares bursts with vibrant blooms.

Over 40,000 tourists enjoy Dragon Boat Festival in Gaotai

Over 40,000 tourists enjoy Dragon Boat Festival in Gaotai


On June 10, 2024, in Zhangye city, Gansu province, the Dahu Bay Scenic Area in Gaotai county hosted a vibrant Dragon Boat Race. Athletes propelled their boats with vigor, synchronized to the rhythmic drumbeats, marking the traditional Chinese festival, the Dragon Boat Festival.

Lush alfalfa fields in Minle usher in prosperous harvest season

Lush alfalfa fields in Minle usher in prosperous harvest season


The first harvest of 8,000 mu (1,320 acres) of alfalfa at Gansu Huarui Agricultural Co in the Minle Industrial Park is in full swing. Harvesters are diligently working, transforming the fields from a vibrant blanket of flowers into neat rows of cut alfalfa. The estimated yield for this first harvest is expected to exceed 800 kilograms per mu.

Fun-filled events mark children's day

Fun-filled events mark children's day


On May 30, the Ganzhou No 7 Kindergarten in Zhangye, Northwest China's Gansu province, children were seen experiencing various activities ranging from instrumental performance, fun sport games, and creative fashion shows.

Zhangye wetland park in brilliant green colors

Zhangye wetland park in brilliant green colors


Heihe River National Wetland Park in Zhangye, Northwest China's Gansu province, is a picture of a tranquil oasis with its weeping willows, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque pavilions nestled among lush greenery.

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