Tianhe releases measures to support top talent

en.thnet.gov.cn Updated: July 2, 2024

Tianhe district of Guangzhou – the capital of South China's Guangdong province – recently rolled out incentive measures to support the innovation and entrepreneurship of high-caliber talent.

This was mainly in the fields of software and information services, finance, modern business and trade, professional services, urban industry, and culture.

Top talent newly brought in by business enterprises to Tianhe will be granted a bonus of up to 10 million yuan ($1.38 million). What's more, the heads of leading enterprises engaged in emerging industries will be given grants of 1 million yuan, 500,000 yuan, or 300,000 yuan.

People identified as Class D talent that are urgently needed in the district are set to get a one-time bonus of 50,000 yuan and some 200 people will get the bonus each year.

Human resource service agencies in Tianhe will be granted 50,000 yuan each for recruiting an eligible employee for business enterprises above the designated size in the district – those with annual revenue of 20 million yuan or more.

Basic education and medical education personnel, who are rated as prominent or core, will get a subsidy of 500,000 yuan or 300,000 yuan annually for three consecutive years. Youth education talent and professional basic medical talent in urgent need will also get 50,000 yuan annually for three consecutive years.

High-skilled talent that has won honors at the national, provincial, or municipal level will receive awards of 200,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, and 50,000 yuan, respectively.

City-level inheritors of intangible cultural heritage items, national-level athletes, and winners of national e-sports events will be rewarded with 50,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan, respectively.

In addition, services in areas such as residential apartments, children's education, and healthcare will be provided by the district for high-caliber talent.