Tianhe prepares to hold national digital conference

en.thnet.gov.cn Updated: July 26, 2024

Final preparations are being made for the 2024 China Digital Entertainment Conference, which will take place on Aug 2 in Tianhe district of Guangzhou – the capital of South China's Guangdong province – and include an exhibition.

The conference will include the opening ceremony, keynote speeches by executives of top companies, the signing of business deals, and the promotion of Tianhe's business environment.

Focusing on the theme "future technology trends and innovative application scenarios of digital entertainment", the event will welcome attendees from leading enterprises and prestigious universities – including representatives from Peking University, Baidu Inc, Tencent, and Meituan.


Looking to the future: Guangzhou's prosperous Tianhe district. [Photo/WeChat account: gztzth]

"The conference will not only be an important gathering of China's digital entertainment industry but also be a new starting point to promote the deep integration and innovative development of the cultural entertainment industry and digital technology," said Liu Jinhua, chairman of the China Culture and Entertainment Industry Association.

Liu added that the conference would also boost the brand awareness and influence of Tianhe's digital entertainment industry. Moreover, it would also lead to the further innovative development of entertainment, cultural tourism, and trade with new quality productive forces.

Adding to the fun, a digital entertainment technology and applications exhibition will be held in one main venue and five sub-venues.

At the main venue, the exhibition will have three display areas themed on global frontier technologies, enterprises going abroad, and immersive interactive experiences.

Top enterprises like Baidu, NetEase Games, Kugou Music, and iFlytek will show their latest innovative applications and products.

The five sub-venues will be located at the Yangcheng Creative Industrial Park, the Wanpeng High-tech Enterprise Incubation Base, Yixiang Shengda Innovation Park, Tangxia Zhihui Park, and Future Society.