Any investment project will not be approved by the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (Hannan), referred to as WHDZ, until it goes through the following procedures.
I. Project admittance (land used for industrial projects)
A project will be firstly assessed by the program promotion agency based on the admittance requirements and the six standard of the WHDZ prior to being reviewed by relevant departments.
Officials in the WHDZ administrative committee will then decide on the approval of the project.
After being accepted, the project will be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of the WHDZ administrative committee and the Office of the director of the WHDZ administrative committee by the land resource bureau for approval.
II. Policy issuance
A countersign will be issued after the project is approved by the WHDZ administrative committee.
III. Agreement signing
An agreement on project investment will then be drafted in accordance with templates reviewed by legal advisers of the WHDZ administrative committee and signed by the officials in charge of investment promotion on behalf of the WHDZ administrative committee after final review and approval.