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WHDZ holds taekwondo event ahead of Military World Games

By Hu Xiaoyu | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-09-05


Athletes compete in a taekwondo tournament at the Wuhan Sports Center in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone on Sept 4. [Photo by Yu Zhiyong/cjn.cn]

The 2019 National Taekwondo Tournament kicked off at the Wuhan Sports Center in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) on Sept 4.

A total of 36 teams made up of 555 athletes from across the country, including Anhui, Liaoning, Fujian, Hubei, Shandong, and Hainan provinces, took part in the five-day competition.

It is the fourth stop in the series, with the first being held in Qian’an, Hebei province on March 21. The finals will take place in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, on Nov 22.

The competition also serves as a preparatory event for the upcoming 7th Military World Games, which will begin on Oct 18 in the WHDZ.

Officials said the event tested the ability of the venue, including its infrastructure, equipment, services, and organizing capability, to host a taekwondo competition.