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Wuhan offers gaokao amid rainy forecast


Over 53,000 students in Wuhan, Hubei province-the city hit hardest by the coronavirus in China-will take the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, on Tuesday.


Gree upgrades its production capacity


Gree Electric Appliances Wuhan Co has been making strong efforts to boost its production capacity through various methods, such as its updating intelligent production equipment and optimizing production processes, according to the official WeChat account of the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ).


WHDZ successfully lures Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao investment


The Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) – based in Wuhan city in Central China's Hubei province – successfully hosted an investment promotion event in Shenzhen, South China’s Guangdong province on July 1.


Next-generation auto summit opens in WHDZ


An automobile summit plotting the future direction of next-generation automobile development opened on June 29 in the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) -- located in Wuhan city in Central China's Hubei province -- according WHDZ officials.

Vaccine development center in Wuhan completed


A medical complex comprising a COVID-19 vaccine development lab and a vaccine production department was completed in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Wednesday. It is expected to produce about 100 million doses of vaccine per year.


WHDZ intellectual property center to change name, widen role


The Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) – located in Wuhan city in Central China's Hubei province – recently announced that a major intellectual property rights protection center there is to expand its role and change its name.


Japanese filmmaker's Wuhan documentary goes viral


Long Time No See, Wuhan, a documentary featuring 10 stories of 10 families in Wuhan, the capital of Central China's Hubei province, the hardest-hit region in China by COVID-19, was viewed more than 25 million times in its first 24 hours online in late June. The film was produced by Takeuchi Ryo, a director from Japan.

WHDZ companies sign supply contracts worth 200m yuan


Supply contracts worth nearly 200 million yuan ($28.26 million) were signed by 13 key companies at a promotional event held on June 23 in the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) -- in Wuhan city in Central China's Hubei province -- according to WHDZ officials.

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