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WHDZ firm steps up output of face masks, medical supplies


Wuhan Huashida Protective Products Co, a company based in the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) started production of medical protective products on Jan 24.

WHDZ companies make donations toward coronavirus control


Geely Holding Group and Freshhema -- two companies with branches in the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) -- have been do their bit in helping control the coronavirus through donations and providing lunch supplies for medical staff members.

Key supplies donated to emergency specialty hospitals


A total of 1,500 TV sets, air purifiers and monitors were donated on Jan 26 to Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan, capital of central Hubei province, by Skyworth Group and Skywell New Energy Automobile Co.

Brilliant lantern show sets festive mood in Wuhan


Brilliantly colored illuminations went on display at the 2020 Wuhan Garden Expo Lantern Show opening in Wuhan, capital city of Central China’s Hubei province, on Jan 20.

Massive upgrade of streetlights brightens Wuhan city


Wuhan, capital city of Central China’s Hubei province, now has a clearer nighttime skyline in the wake of the upgrading of a massive 37,000 streetlights along 142 arterial roads, according to local media reports.

Strict measures taken amid outbreak


China is taking more stringent measures in hospitals to safeguard healthcare workers amid the ongoing outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus strain, and training for such employees will be enhanced nationwide, the country's top health authority said on Wednesday.

China's Wuhan suspends public transportation, outward flights, trains


Central China's megacity of Wuhan battling with a pneumonia outbreak has announced to suspend public transportation, and close the airport and railway stations to outgoing passengers, while asking citizens not to leave the city without specific reasons.

WHDZ launches strategic plan for internet industry


The Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone launched the Internet Industry Chamber of Commerce 2020-2025 Strategic Development Plan -- also known as the Hanyi Project -- on Jan 16.

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