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    Hohhot invests more in people's livelihoods

    In addition, the Hohhot government has decided to subsidize further senior care projects provided by social institutions, including in-house care, spiritual solace and domestic services.

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    'Blue City' promotes green development

    Hohhot has been committed to improving the environment and promoting green industry in recent years.

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    Innovation and entrepreneurship drives dvpt in Hohhot

    Hohhot, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, is developing faster than other league cities in the region, with its ever-growing capacity for innovation and policies supporting business.

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    Hohhot modernizing city and boosting infrastructure

    Hohhot, the capital city of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, has seen huge achievements in infrastructure construction over the past few years.

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    Mass culture blooms in Hohhot

    Hohhot in Inner Mongolia autonomous region has undergone a cultural renaissance in recent years thanks to the efforts of the city’s government to develop the local cultural industry and support people's cultural life.

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    Hohhot honored five years in a row

    Hohhot, capital of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, has won a significant number of national honors and titles for its achievements since 2011.