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China, Russia and Mongolia shed light on environmental protection and green development

2024-07-25 (goinnermongolia.com.cn)

The 2024 China-Russia-Mongolia Academic Conference on Ecological Protection and Green Development was recently held in the city of Ulaanqab in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

The conference, with the tagline "Strengthening Comprehensive Desertification Control and Promoting Green Development," aimed to enhance environmental protection and desertification control in the border areas of China, Russia, and Mongolia.

It sought to further international scientific exchanges, gather collective wisdom and strength, and contribute to the advancement of ecological civilization.

Nine experts and scholars from universities, research institutes, and relevant societies in the three countries participated both online and in-person.

They presented reports on various topics, including "Targeted Regulation and Ecological Restoration Technologies in Key Ecological Spaces and Their Implications for Desertification Control," "Theories and Practices of Low-Coverage Sand Control," and "Strengthening Agricultural Ecological Protection to Promote High-Quality Development in Agro-Pastoral Ecotones."

"China, Russia, and Mongolia are geographically connected and share cultural ties. It provides a solid foundation for extensive cooperation in environmental protection and green development," said Zhao Ji, chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Association for Science and Technology.

The scientific exchange activities have been held five times since 2017, creating an open and shared platform for academic exchanges and releases of new technologies for scientists from the three countries.