Provincial satellite receiving station put into use in Nanyang
The city of Nanyang has recently introduced a new provincial-level satellite receiving station, the only ground reception center in Henan province for the Fengyun-4 Weather Satellite.
Fengyun 4 is part of China's new generation of geostationary meteorological satellites intended to make up the high-altitude component of the country's planned space-based weather forecasting system that will extend into the 2030s. The satellite is equipped with cutting edge technology such as a lightning imager and space monitoring equipment.
The newly operational center will receive real-time data from Fengyun 4, which will then be processed and used for the improvement of weather analysis and forecasting, prevention and mitigation of meteorological disasters, response to climate change, and monitoring of the natural environment, space and weather. It will enhance early warning capabilities in case of emergency.
The newly completed receiving station begins operating in Nanyang. [Photo/]
Data gathered from the satellite will also be applied to agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, energy, environment, transportation and aviation, effectively improving the city's abilities to respond to natural environment-related emergencies, prevent air pollution, build a water environment-friendly society, and conserve water while carrying out the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.