High-end equipment industry development forum

(chinadaily.com.cn )| Updated : 2018-09-28

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Sept 29 14:00-17:30

Club Auditorium, Jinan Nanjiao Hotel 

The forum is organized by the Shandong provincial Party committee and the Shandong provincia government. It will invite more than 200 scholars, academicians, entrepreneurs and experts from the high-end equipment industry to give lectures and share their ideas about the future of the world manufacturing industry.

The forum will build a platform for high-end equipment manufacturing technology exchange and international cooperation by dialogues and project promotions, aiming at publicizing Shandong's high-end equipment around the world and introducing the overseas high-end equipment manufacturing industry to Shandong.

The forum focuses on intelligent manufacturing, artificial intelligence, big data and internet plus, and will push forward integration of innovative theory of high-end equipment manufacturing and advanced technology. 

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