Shandong promotes marine science and technology innovation

(| Updated : 2019-03-07

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Wu Lixin, deputy to the National People's Congress, answers questions on the application and innovation of marine technology in Shandong province. [Photo/]

Shandong delegation to the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) held a plenary conference on March 6 to deliberate on the Government Work Report.

The meeting was open to domestic and foreign media. Wu Lixin, deputy to the National People's Congress, answered questions on the application and innovation of marine technology.

Wu said that in the past year, the National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology has made some progress in realizing its aims and has made remarkable achievements in scientific research fields such as marine engineering, marine pharmaceuticals and marine organisms.

For example, the large underwater glider developed by the laboratory can dive to a depth of 8,200 meters, setting a world record.

The marine red algae control technology was exported to the United States, becoming the only environmental governance technology to go abroad.

During the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), Shandong province has invested an additional 6 billion yuan ($894 million) and a total of 10 billion yuan to build a major marine science and technology innovation platform, launched a number of national-level science and technology plans, and introduced a group of high-end personnel.

Wu believes that with such a big investment Shandong will take the lead in the building up of a maritime power.