Qingdao propels internationalization

(chinadaily.com.cn)| Updated : 2019-03-07

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Meng Fanli, a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress and mayor of Qingdao, gives an interview during the ongoing two sessions in Beijing. [Photo/cnr.cn]

Qingdao is seizing historic opportunity generated by the successful organization of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) summit in the city in a bid to advance the internationalization of the city and deepen its opening up, said Meng Fanli, a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress and mayor of Qingdao, during a recent interview at the ongoing two sessions in Beijing.

Meng pointed out that reform and opening-up has proved to be successful in the modernization of the coastal city.

From 1978, when reform and opening-up was launched, to 2018, the city's GDP rose from 3.8 billion yuan to 1.25 trillion yuan ($186.3 billion), with per capita GDP rising from 663 yuan to more than 112,900 yuan.

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, Qingdao has carried out a number of policies to promote development and create an open economy, said Meng.

The city is now home to several national-level industrial parks which enjoy favorable policies, including the Sino-German Eco-Park, Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone and Qingdao Bonded Port Area.

Qingdao is a world leader in the manufacture of high-speed trains, home appliances and marine engineering equipment, and has a number of internationally recognized domestic brands, including Haier, Hisense, Tsingtao Beer and CRRC Qingdao Sifang.

According to Meng, the city will promote internationalization in various areas, including industries, markets, parks and enterprises.

He added that the city is building a demonstration zone to promote trade between China and SCO member countries. It is also building itself into a strategic hub in the network of global trade routes China is building as part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

In addition, the city will give full play to its 15 functional parks and contribute to the establishment of Shandong free trade zone, so as to build it into a highland of opening and high-quality development in the new era.