New communication center to promote Yantai worldwide

(| Updated : 2023-12-20

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Yantai, a coastal city in East China's Shandong province inaugurated its international communication center on Dec 20, marking a significant step in the local government's efforts to strengthen global promotion.

The Yantai International Communication Center will make full use of its multi-language social websites and media platforms to showcase the charms of Yantai and promote the coastal city to the world, according to Gong Haitao, deputy director in charge of daily work at the Publicity Department of the CPC Yantai Municipal Committee.

The center will also operate as a central hub that produces international communication products related to trending topics and foster talent in the realm of social media, Gong said.

At the inaugural ceremony, Yantai signed strategic cooperation framework agreements with news media groups and international communication groups, including the Business Development Department of China Daily, to boost international communication.

As part of the center's international communication initiatives, an overseas social media account cluster, which includes the city's official Facebook page and 12 pages representing its county-level cities and districts, was launched, with the support of China Daily and the city's publicity department.

Gong Zhengzheng, director of the Business Development Department of China Daily, said Yantai and China Daily have had a close cooperation relationship in international communication for several years and that the newly unveiled Facebook pages will further promote the "Coastal Wonderland, Remarkable Yantai" branding.

Yantai is one of the first coastal cities to open its business to foreign countries and has been actively promoting international exchange, said Luo Linquan, vice-president of the China Public Diplomacy Association. The establishment of the Yantai International Communication Center is expected to play a vital role in promoting Yantai's and also China's stories to the world, he added.


Yantai signs strategic cooperation framework agreements with news media groups and international communication groups, including the Business Development Department of China Daily, at the inaugural ceremony of Yantai International Communication Center on Dec 20. [Photo by Li Gang/provided to]


The Overseas Social Media Account Cluster, cooperated by China Daily and the Publicity Department of the CPC Yantai Municipal Committee, is launched on Dec 20. [Photo by Fan Zukang/provided to]