Binzhou volunteers celebrate Spring Festival with children at Nepal's orphanage

(| Updated : 2024-02-05

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Volunteer photographers from Binzhou, Shandong province, joined in the event named "Nepal-Binzhou friendship, boundless love" to welcome the Chinese New Year with children at the orphanage in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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Volunteers sing together with kids. [Photo/Binzhou Daily]

Established in 2004 by Dr. Kalyan Raj Sharma, a familiar face in the intellectual discourse of the Nepal-China relationship and his Nepalese friends, the orphanage serves as a beacon of hope for orphans and underprivileged children, offering both material support and education.

During the event, heartwarming scenes unfolded as photographers and children sang together, exchanged laughter, and shared their talents, fostering a sense of joy and camaraderie.

The volunteers brought thoughtful gifts, including red envelopes, a gift given to children duringm Spring Festival and sports equipment. They also engaged the children in creative activities, such as coloring clay sculptures, adding vibrancy to the celebration.

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A volunteer teaches coloring to a local kid. [Photo/Binzhou Daily]

As the event drew to a close, the bonds formed between the children and volunteers were palpable, reflecting the spirit of compassion and international friendship that transcends borders.

The occasion underscored the profound impact of cross-border charity initiatives and highlighted the importance of extending kindness and support to those in need, regardless of geographical boundaries.

The event encapsulated Binzhou's will and action of exchange and humanitarianism, reminding us that gestures of goodwill and solidarity resonate deeply, enriching lives and fostering understanding across continents.