Shandong goes for high-level opening-up, investment promos

(| Updated : 2024-02-18

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Proceedings get underway at the conference. [Photo/Dazhong Daily]

A conference focusing on high-level opening-up and high-quality investment promotions was held on Feb 18 in Jinan – capital of East China's Shandong – sounding a clear clarion call for the construction of a strong province in the new era of socialist modernization.

Lin Wu, Party secretary of Shandong, attended and delivered a keynote speech. Zhou Naixiang, governor and deputy Party secretary of Shandong, presided over the event.

In his speech, Lin emphasized that high-quality development was the imperative of the new era, while openness was the distinct hallmark of contemporary China.

Looking back at over 40 years of reform and opening-up, Lin added that Shandong has always kept pace with the times.

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An impressive office in the China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone Yantai Area. [Photo/WeChat account: sdxcweixin]

Currently, Shandong is at a critical point for building a pilot zone for green, low-carbon and high-quality development. Furthermore, it needs to expand its opening-up and vigorously undertake investment promotions more than ever before, he said.

Lin said that all levels of departments, Party members, cadres and the people should grasp the general trend and strive to ensure Shandong's high-level opening-up and high-quality investment promotions.

Moreover, Shandong should explore new markets, cultivate the momentum in foreign trade and concentrate on serving and integrating into a unified national market, he added.

Lin noted that to build a new pattern of high-level opening-up, efforts should be made to build efficient and interconnected channels. Efforts should also be made to accelerate the upgrading of marine ports, cultivate aviation hubs, enhance China-Europe freight train services and to develop inland river shipping.

The province should promote the quality and efficiency improvement of its government services, respond to corporate demands, upgrade the credit system and create a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment, he said.

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A China-Europe freight train moves out at the start of a trip, connecting Shandong and Central Asia. [Photo/WeChat account: sdxcweixin]