NPC deputy calls for rating of health examination institutions

(| Updated : 2024-03-09

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Yang Qifeng, a deputy to the National People Congress and director of the Breast Surgery Department at Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, brought forward proposals on improving the quality of citizen's health examinations during this year's two sessions.

The two sessions are the annual gatherings in Beijing of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, and the CPPCC National Committee, the country's top political advisory body. The second session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee session began on March 4, and the second session of the 14th NPC opened on March 5.

Currently, the quality of health examination testing varies widely, with significant discrepancies in health examination results across different medical institutions, said Yang. Additionally, there are issues such as serious errors in some examination results and incomplete personal health records across different medical institutions.

He suggested enhancing the professionalism and accuracy of health examination services and rating health examination institutions based on industry standards and the proficiency levels of medical professionals.

Yang also advocated for enhancing the information infrastructure of medical institutions to help establish comprehensive health records for individuals.