Chinese culture fans visit Confucius' hometown

(| Updated : 2024-06-18

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Recently, "A Date with China· Meet Shandong" international media delegation went to Jining, the hometown of Confucius, and experienced the rich Chinese culture and Confucianism carried by this ancient and charming city.

In Jining, the group of foreign reporters and influencers visited the Confucius Museum, which has a large collection of cultural relics and historical materials related to Confucius and his thought. They were deeply moved by the wisdom and thought of Confucius and praised the profound influence of this great philosopher on later generations.

The Kong Family Mansion and the Confucius Temple also left a deep impression on foreign friends. As the residence of Confucius' descendants, the Kong Family Mansion showcases the history and inheritance of the Confucius family. The Confucian Temple is the temple of worship of Confucius, and its solemn atmosphere made the members of the group feel the solemn and sacred Confucian culture.

During the trip, the members of the press also experienced the traditional handicrafts of Jining. They learned the skills of block printing, Lu brocade embroidery, shadow puppet-making and thread-bound book making, and made exquisite handicrafts by hand. These activities let them have a deeper understanding of Jining's traditional culture and the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage skills.

The members of the international media said Jining is a city full of historical heritage and cultural charm. They were surprised by the breadth and depth of Confucian culture and attracted by the wisdom and thought of Confucius. At the same time, they also deeply felt the Jining people's love and inheritance of traditional culture.

The visit not only allowed the world to have a deeper understanding of Jining's traditional culture and Confucianism, but also injected new vitality into the cultural dissemination and tourism development of Jining.