Chinese language education highlighted at Overseas Chinese Forum in Qufu, Shandong

(| Updated : 2024-07-12

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The Overseas Chinese Forum, a parallel forum of the 10th Nishan Forum on World Civilizations, opened on July 10 in Qufu, East China's Shandong province, with over 60 distinguished overseas Chinese entrepreneurs, business leaders, experts, and scholars from more than 25 countries and regions in attendance.

During the event, the attendees shared views on the unique strengths and experiences of overseas Chinese in preserving traditional Chinese culture and enhancing cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world, pledging to serve as a bridge for cultural exchanges.

Sun Sipeng, president of Qilu Chamber of Commerce in Spain, stated that overseas Chinese groups should expand cultural exchange platforms and organize cultural exchange activities to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and people of other countries. Relevant departments should promote economic cooperation and innovation, encourage cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises in more fields, and encourage overseas Chinese to continue to play a role in scientific and technological innovation.

Wu Lichun, president of Shandong Overseas Chinese Merchants Association and chairman of Tri-cel Industrial Group Co Ltd, emphasized the need to maintain openness and inclusiveness of Chinese language education, not only passing on the essence of Chinese culture but also respecting and embracing the diversity of other cultures to achieve mutual learning and progress.

The forum participants collectively emphasized the importance of cultural exchange, Chinese language education, and mutual respect in promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation, underscoring the role of overseas Chinese in bridging civilizations and fostering global harmony and progress.