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General public culture show staged in Jining| Updated: November 10, 2020

A general public culture show was staged at Zengzi Theatre in Jining, East China's Shandong province, Nov 10. It was the first performance of the show in Jining.

The show included outstanding performances selected by Jining and classic works with local characteristics from Jiangxi, Hebei, Shanxi and Shandong provincial cultural centers and Linyi cultural center.

The culture show aims to inherit classic red culture, and its themes are singing red songs, telling red stories, looking back at red memories, and imagining the red future.

Since 2017, the culture show project has successively carried out activities such as performances, training and exhibitions in Linyi, Jinan, Weihai, Xi'an, Sanyuan, Chongqing, Fengdu, Ruijin and Ganzhou.

The show will stage two performances at Stone Sculpture Square in Jiaxiang county and on the citizens'  stage at Jining Canal Culture Square.

The show was sponsored by Shandong Provincial Cultural Center, the publicity department of Communist Party of China Committee of Jining, and Jining cultural and tourism bureau.


A general public culture show is staged at Zengzi Theatre in Jining, East China's Shandong province, Nov 10. [Photo/WeChat account: jiningwenlv]


A man sings for red songs at the general public art show in Jining on Nov 10. [Photo/WeChat account: jiningwenlv]