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Jining makes new breakthroughs in economic and social development (I)| Updated: December 17, 2020

Innovation development                         


[Photo/Dazhong Daily]

Jining has established a general layout of "1+5+N" and a plan of "5+5" top 10 industries, set up a command, a fund, and a visual supervision service platform for new development drivers, and founded a new development drivers demonstration zone for provincial coal enterprises.

By the end of 2019, non-coal revenue accounted for 72 percent of the city's coal industry. Jining promoted the information industry and the enterprise cultivation projects, maintaining high-end equipment, high-tech and other new industry revenue at more than 10 percent of the whole industry revenue. There were 103 new high-tech enterprises and the total number exceeded 500. Sun Paper Group won first prize in the national science and technology progress award.

A new industrial technology research institute and the first branch of provincial industrial research institutes were established in Jining, and the city also established partnerships with 21 science and research institutes. Jining has promoted the establishment of one to two leading industries and industrial institutes in each park in the development zone.

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