
Zhengfang Binhe Sports Park opens combining leisure and sightseeing

Updated: June 16, 2023
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Football field in the Xiangzhou Zhengfang Binhe Sports Park

Zhengfang Binhe Sports Park in Xiangzhou district funded and constructed by the Zhengfang Group opened to the public on June 10. 

The park, located on Nanwan North Road, covers 40,601 square meters and offers facilities for badminton and basketball as well as gyms, and football fields. It is an ecological sports park that combines sports, leisure, and sightseeing.

The park exceeds regular community parks by meeting international standards for professional sports facilities and fulfilling the increased demand for high-quality sports from citizens. This is a significant effort by Zhengfang Group to implement the "Full coverage of 10-minute fitness circle" policy.

The park will soon become available for booking through its official WeChat account. Next, it will expand high-end fitness spaces and introduce more sports events to further promote the improvement of fitness levels among the public.