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Explore Asian food culture in Hangzhou this May

ehangzhou.gov.cn| Updated: March 21, 2019 L M S


Dongpo Pork, a Hangzhou dish which is made by pan-frying and then red cooking pork belly. [Photo/IC]

Food lovers will have a chance to savor traditional Asian cuisines in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province at the Asian Food Festival in May, local media reported on March 20.

Aiming to promote Chinese food culture and facilitate the development of Asian food civilization and cultural exchanges, the festival will feature a range of themed exhibitions, cultural activities and forums focusing on Asian cuisine and human civilization, tea culture, as well as digital technology and food.

The event is also part of Hangzhou's attempts to showcase the unique charm of the city and attract worldwide attention ahead of the Asian Games in Hangzhou in 2022.

Representatives and government officials from Asian countries will be invited to experience the grand food fest and get a taste of Hangzhou's modern development.

The organizers are seeking design proposals for the event's logo, as well as pictures and videos featuring Asian food culture, comics of Hangzhou cuisine, and cooking masters.