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Research institute established to support Zhejiang's 'big garden' construction

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: April 12, 2019 L M S


A research institute supporting the construction of the "big garden" project is unveiled in Lishui, Zhejiang province on April 8. [Photo/lszjy.com]

Through the joint efforts of the Zhejiang Development & Planning Institute, Lishui Municipal People's Government and Lishui Vocational & Technical College, a new research institute was set up in Lishui, Zhejiang province on April 8 which is intended to support the province's efforts in turning itself into a so-called "big garden".

Zhejiang has been prioritizing the development of "beautiful villages" in recent years. In January 2019, it initiated an upgraded scheme aiming to transform the province into a "big garden".

The "big garden" project looks to put the province onto an ecologically sustainable development path through green development and environmental restoration – the two areas the new institute will focus on. The institute is designed to be an advisory and research body which will cultivate professionals, commercialize research findings, promote exchange and cooperation, and provide consultation services to support Zhejiang's "big garden" plan.

Zhejiang's efforts in green development are intended to serve as an example for the rest of the country.


A wetland park in Lishui, Zhejiang province [Photo by Xiao Yao]

The city of Lishui, located in the south of Zhejiang, is a core area in the province's "big garden" construction. By sticking to an ecologically friendly development path, Lishui has successfully pioneered a number of replicable measures designed to aid in green development.

Since last year, Lishui has been stressing its crucial role in the province's plan and has established clear plans to speed up construction of the "big garden" project as well as the overall development of the city.