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China and Germany pledge to intensify security cooperation

By MA ZHENHUAN in Hangzhou| China Daily| Updated: September 2, 2019 L M S



China and Germany will continue to intensify cooperation in the security sphere to meet the growing regional and global security challenges, said top officials from the security sectors in both countries.

The third round of high-level security dialogue between China and Germany was presided over by Chen Yixin, secretary-general of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, and Johannes Geismann, State Secretary of Federal Chancellery and Commissioner for Federal Intelligence Services in Germany, on Friday in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province.

Both sides agreed that China and Germany, as the world's second-and fourth-largest economies, have an enormous need for enhancing mutual beneficial cooperation in the security sector, and shoulder major responsibilities in safeguarding global peace and stability.

Under the current complex and changeable international situation, it is of great practical significance to push ahead all-around security strategic cooperation, which serves as an important component and active driving power in bilateral relations.

Both sides agreed that the high-level security dialogue is an important measure toward implementing the joint statement issued by President Xi Jinping and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and since the high-level dialogue mechanism was launched in 2017, the two sides successfully co-hosted two rounds of dialogues, with a series of consensuses reached.

Jiang Feng, Party secretary of Shanghai International Studies University, told China Daily on Friday that such a dialogue mechanism meets the needs of both China and Germany, as the global security situation is no cause for optimism nowadays.

"Such dialogue sets a good example for pragmatic communication between the two countries, creating a good example for strategic cooperation in the security sector worldwide," Jiang said, adding that it also shows the great foresight and responsibilities of leaders from both sides.

During the dialogue, it is emphasized that both sides attach great importance to cooperation in the security sector, and regard the dialogue mechanism an important measure in building a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Germany.

The two sides also exchanged views on efforts to fight terrorism, extremism and cross-border crime, cyberspace crime and economic crime, as well as on other regional and international security issues.

Consensus was reached on taking concrete measures to further deepen bilateral cooperation in the security sector, with further key areas and directions for cooperation defined.