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Jiaxing: Model for high quality development

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: September 6, 2019 L M S

Zhang said that Jiaxing is actively seeking cooperation with neighboring Shanghai for further opening-up to the outside world.

The city currently houses more than 8,300 foreign-funded companies from nearly 100 countries and regions, and the total value of paid-in foreign direct investment totals $33 billion.

In the first seven months of this year, Jiaxing saw the signing of 13 projects worth more than 10 billion yuan and introduced seven projects from Global Fortune 500 companies.

Relying on the Yangtze Delta Region Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Zhejiang, Jiaxing has introduced more than 370 innovative platforms and over 1,200 high tech companies. Last year, its net high caliber professional inflow rate ranked fourth nationwide.

In 2014, Wuzhen, an ancient water town in Jiaxing, was selected as the permanent site for the World Internet Conference, an influential event in China attended by internet elites from around the world.

Zhang noted at the news conference that Jiaxing will continue to further carry out the reform and opening-up, participate in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and promote high-quality development in the future.

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