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South African helps tell Wenzhou stories

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: October 14, 2019 L M S

To help Wenzhou gain more global recognition, Brett joined the Wenzhou Overseas Publicity Base in 2017 to be one of the publicity officers of the city. He takes photos and films videos about Wenzhou, and posts them on international media platforms, so "anyone else around the world can see it (the city) through the eyes of a foreigner". He has accumulated about 200,000 followers online. Regarded as a foreign online celebrity in Wenzhou, Brett is affectionately called A Le by local residents. 

Brett also cooperates with the city's publicity department in ways of hosting bilingual activities, starring short videos, answering the service hotline for expats and doing voluntary work. He has helped make a foreigners' handbook so that every foreigner who comes to Wenzhou is able to understand things that they need to know about the city.

Brett expects to internationalize Wenzhou city and put it on the world map by making his own contributions. For the future, he plans to open businesses in Wenzhou and to continue with the cooperation with the publicity department. "Hopefully I can get a Chinese green card so that I can do more work for China."

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