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Loong Air strikes first deal for Zhejiang delegation at CIIE

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: November 6, 2019 L M S

The second China International Import Expo opened in Shanghai on Nov 5. Loong Air, an air transport enterprise based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province struck a deal worth $477 million on the first day, the first deal to be made by the Zhejiang business delegation.

The deal was made between Loong Air and CFM International, a world-leading supplier of jet engines for commercial airliners.

According to the deal, CFM International will deliver three LEAP-1A jet engines to Loong Air and provide maintenance on engines for the latter's 20 new A320neo/A321neo jets.

This is not the first time that the two sides have cooperated. Last July, they signed a long-term maintenance agreement in Britain to support the LEAP-1A and CFM56-5B engines of Loong Air.

"The increasingly convenient customs clearance has paved the way for us to import airplanes," said Sun Songjie, director of the strategic planning department of Loong Air. 

Sun said that they successfully imported a plane from France last month with the support of Hangzhou Customs, and that Zhejiang companies no longer need a transfer when importing airplanes, saving time and money.

"We are looking forward to more new policies that will help our business grow," added Sun.