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China-Africa cultural cooperation and exchange week begins in Jinhua

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: November 13, 2019 L M S

The 2019 Jinhua China-Africa Cultural Cooperation and Exchange Week began in Jinhua, Zhejiang province on Nov 11.

The event, hosted by the government of Jinhua and Zhejiang Normal University, attracted nearly 1,000 government officials, businessmen and scholars from 25 African countries. 

Chen Long, Party chief of Jinhua, briefed the attendees on the development of the city and its cooperation efforts with Africa in recent years.

"We will take advantage of the opportunities brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative to deepen cooperation with Africa," said Chen.

Chen added that the city will expand trade with Africa, encourage mutual investment, and deepen cultural exchange.

At the opening ceremony, Jinhua established sister-city relations with Musanze, a district in the Northern Province of Rwanda.

Jinhua's trade promotion council signed letters of intent with six African business associations, and several Jinhua companies signed letters of intent with African clients.

A series of activities are being held during the week, such as a promotional meeting on Africa's investment climate, a trade fair, a roundtable dialogue and a field trip to some of the top industries in Jinhua.

Thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative, Jinhua has developed a close economic and trade relationship with Africa in recent years. Statistics show that more than 300 Jinhua natives have taken up permanent residence in Africa, 5,200 African entrepreneurs are doing business in Jinhua, and 1,000 African students are studying in the city. Africa has become the city's largest export market.