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Zhejiang govt convenes to improve civil administration

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: November 20, 2019 L M S

The plans also call for the streamlining of procedures for marriage, birth and household registration by combining all three processes.

Zhejiang is well-known for its civil affairs work. It leads China in establishing a social relief system that covers both urban and rural areas.

It also established the nation's first set of regional philanthropy laws and regulations.

The meeting also awarded those who have made outstanding contributions to the province's civil administration with the Zhejiang Philanthropy Award.


Government officials hand out awards to people who have made outstanding contributions to the province's civil administration. [Photo/zj.zjol.com]

The Zhejiang Philanthropy Award, initiated in 2006, is the highest honor of its kind in the province. This year's award honored those who have made outstanding contributions to charity during the period from June 2016 to June 2019.

Altogether 132 individual and organizations in the province were awarded.

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